Own Your Inner Bitch So She Can't Own You
A Woman's Guide to Self-Love and Self-Mastery
By Dipika Patel
Are you that overly nice person? That person who is good at heart? The one who turns the other cheek despite what someone else might say or do to you? Are you that person who is the peace maker to your own detriment? The one with misconceptions that too often hold you back from living joyfully and productively?
Whether you are a professional, a mother, sister, auntie or a friend, are you able to speak your truth? Are you able to be who you need to be for you first and then for all those you love? Are you an internal critic (Bitch) or an external critic (Bitch)? Either way, the only true way to find peace in your life and heart is by owning that side of you that you don’t quite like.
My wish and dream is to liberate women everywhere to say that we can learn to be aware of our inner critic (Bitch) so that our inner critic no longer rules our lives.
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